The 6 Best Benefits of Fo-Ti Extend to Hair and Vitality
Hair loss is a common problem among men and women of all ages. From a young age, we’re taught that there are certain products that we shouldn’t use on our hair. But the reality is, not all hair care products are created equally. Not only are there natural substitutes for the chemicals found in common shampoos, but there are plenty of health benefits that can be reaped from using specific herbs and minerals. One of these is specifically focused on the Chinese herb fo-ti.
Besides benefiting your hair, this herb has been shown to improve your overall health. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top five benefits of using fo-ti, and explain why it’s such a beneficial ingredient.

1. Fo-Ti Improves Hair Growth
The most obvious benefit of using fo-ti is its effect on hair growth. Fo-ti helps your body to retain more iron, which is an essential mineral for healthy hair growth. Iron deficiency can cause hair loss and may even lead to hair thinning. The Chinese herb also blocks the effects of DHT, a hormone that causes hair loss in men and women.
Fo-ti also contains natural plant steroids that help your scalp produce more oil, leading to healthier locks.
2. Fo-Ti has Antimicrobial Properties
The antimicrobial properties of fo-ti are another reason why it’s so important. This herb can be used to help with intestinal health, and also helps to restore a healthy pH balance in the body. Antimicrobial products are often used to treat acne, as well as other skin issues related to bacteria including ringworm and athletes foot. All of these issues can be treated with antimicrobial found in fo-ti which means that you don’t have to rely on harsh chemicals.
Fo-Ti is High In Iron.
Iron deficiency anemia has been shown to cause hair loss among women who paint their hair frequently or use chemical treatments for their hair. Hair loss is a common problem among men and women of all ages. From a young age, we’re taught that there are certain products that we shouldn’t use on our hair. But the reality is, not all hair care products are created equally. Not only are there natural substitutes for the chemicals found in common shampoos, but there are plenty of health benefits that can be reaped from using specific herbs and minerals. One of these is specifically focused on the Chinese herb fo-ti
One reason fo-ti has so many benefits is because it contains high levels of iron - a mineral linked with both balding among women and overall vitality in adults, according to vitamin expert Dr. Chris Calapaiuolo.
3. Fo-Ti has Antioxidant Properties
One of the top benefits of using fo-ti is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are responsible for fighting free radicals in your body, which can lead to a variety of health problems.
A study out of China found that fo-ti has potent antioxidant properties and anti-aging properties. When combined with other ingredients, it’s also been shown to have skin healing properties, as well as being able to reduce symptoms associated with sunburns.
4. Fo-Ti Helps Regulate Sebum Production
Another one of the many benefits of using fo-ti is that it can help regulate sebum production. Sebum, which is a type of oil, is produced by your body to help keep your hair from drying out. But when too much sebum is produced, it can lead to clogged pores, which then leads to breakouts and acne. Fo-ti helps regulate this process by balancing the amount of sebum in your scalp.
This herb also has astringent properties, which means that it will help tighten and contract tissues in your scalp. This can promote hair growth because of all the blood circulation that results from fo-ti’s astringency.
5. Fo-Ti Can Help Treat Hair Loss
Hair loss is a common problem among men and women of all ages. From a young age, we’re taught that there are certain products that we should never use on our hair. But the reality is, not all hair care products are created equally.
Not only are there natural substitutes for the chemicals found in common shampoos, but there are plenty of health benefits that can be reaped from using specific herbs and minerals . One of these is specifically focused on the Chinese herb fo-ti.
Besides benefiting your hair, this herb has been shown to improve your overall health. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top five benefits of using fo-ti and explain why it’s such a beneficial ingredient.
6. Fo-Ti has Other Health Benefits
Besides benefiting your hair, this herb has been shown to improve your overall health.
Fo-ti can help improve your immune system and lower blood sugar levels in people who have diabetes. Some studies even show that it can help reduce the risk of cancer development. This is due to the presence of antioxidants that fight off free radicals in the body.
Additionally, the herb may be able to help with other conditions like arthritis and heart disease. Fo-ti is even thought to be able to prevent eye problems like macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. Plus, people who use fo-ti are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease later in life.
So why does this matter for your hair? Because it means that you're not just experiencing damage from shampoo alone - you might also be putting yourself at risk for other health problems as well! One way that you can protect yourself is by taking natural supplements like Purity Fo-ti (He Shou Wu) Powder to strengthen your hair and prevent them from graying.

Final Words
Fo-ti (He Shou Wu) is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It’s a unique supplement because it can be taken as a tea or applied topically. One of the major benefits of fo-ti is that it strengthens your hair and helps to stimulate growth. It also prevents hair from falling out, which is not something many people are aware of. Fo-ti has a lot more benefits than just being helpful for your hair. There are plenty of health benefits that have been associated with this one herb, and we’ve only touched on the surface here. To learn more about the other ways you can use Purity fo-ti powder, make sure to check our other blog's posts